Pen and pad and keyboard

Pen and pad and keyboard

Thursday, February 18, 2010

John Keats. 1795–1821

A discusion of the poem
Ode on a Grecian Urn

This poem reminds me of the concept in C.S Lewis's The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (from the Narnia children's series) where the Witch makes it so it is always winter ... but never christmas. Keats writes of the lover that can never express his feelings: 'bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss', and the brachnes of a tree that can never move onto another season: 'ah, happy, happy boughs! that cannot shed Your leaves, nor ever bid the Spring adieu'. Yet there is a bitter sweet encouagement within the poem that appears to say that although you cannot have what you naturally want, need or desire, it will still be there and you will therefore still have the hope and longing for it: 'yet, do not grieve; She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss, For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!'


Chris Horrie said...

yes keats is compatible with christianity - CS Lewis is a propagandist for Christianity - and a rather crude one. He instills in children the ideology of fear - particularly the fear and evil of unmarried and unrestrained women - Ice Queen etc. But it would be an excellent point to make about Kant - that his noimenal world is a bit like the world beyiond the wardrobe in CS Lewis - an original thought and a clever one! Butonce yo know about the Kantian syswtem you see it everywhere in art, literature...

I am getting back into the habit of frequently reading your blogs. I learn such a lot from yours and I am grateful. And I would hold up your blog as a complete exampl,e of the level of work and understandinmg we are looking for in order to award first class honours which I hope you don't mind me saying I think wer gace the blog last term.

journalismjenni said...

I am interested to learn more about how Keats work is compatible with christianity, I never considered him in this way before. Is there any reading that would assist me in this regard?

I think that Christian ideas (messages from biblical stories)are quite strongly ppresented through the Narnia stories, ideas of fear yes but also of redemption, when the character Aslan dies in Edmunds place. I am aware that C.S Lewis has also written adult chirstian books.

I am drafting a post about Kant at present and am interested to see how his ideas might correlate with the world within a wardrobe idea.

Thank you once again for the encouragemnt regarding my blog. I was overwhelmed with excitement when I receieved my marks from last semester. How remarkable it is to do well at some something you enjoy.

Chris Horrie said...

You are doing very well, whole team pleased with your excellent performance